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Foto del escritor: ADN@+ADN@+

Actualizado: 3 mar 2022

While Russia cries for Dollars, it seems the USA is printing lots of those. China, meanwhile looks very distant from the situation

Russia cries for United States Dollars at this moment.

Ukraine seems to be plenty of those, since the start of the invasion from Russia.

After reviewing the table (above) one question surges: Did Cuba and Venezuela receive a mass of Russian Dollars during February 26th and 27th?

It seems like Ukraine first received inflows of USD after the beginning of the war on February 23rd, but later Colombia, Argentina, Cuba, and Nicaragua had also flows that created notorious changes in the exchange rate of the USD compared to their currencies.

After that, the flows became again very strong in Ukraine (receiving), and then, collapsed on the other side of the frontier, in Russia, once the economic sanctions started to work in the markets.

Russia had to close the Stock Exchange market after it plunged 45%:

The countries in which Putin thinks as Russian allies are all pegged to the USD in their official governmental currencies, starting with China, the same as Venezuela, Cuba, and even Nicaragua:

Clearly, the exchange rate can be managed "officially", but inflation reveals the realities of each country.

When corrections are made in order to show the Real Exchange Rate vs the USA, the countries of the sample that are gaining more competitiveness compared to the top economy of the World, due to lower inflation, the same as low devaluation are in its order: China, Ecuador, and Nicaragua.

While Russia cries for Dollars, it seems the USA is printing lots of those. China, meanwhile looks very distant from the situation, the same as does Ecuador, on the other sidewalk.

In conclusion, USD Exchange Rate Economics shows the strength of the American top currency during last week, benefiting officially (and unofficially) dollarized countries that are able to trade in the dominant currency without becoming "pariahs" of the global capitalist system.


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