The idea of politics pub is to have a virtual "speakers corner" kind of platform, where we can meet and deal with leadership issues with the necessary space: socio-political, abode, and cultural economics.
You can see how our "Politics Pub" located @ has performed during these 2021 and 2020 COVID19 years by downloading the following summary document: (CSPInc.Tech Report: January-April 2021 vs January-December 2020 / per continent):

As of April 26th, 2021, and after 1 month of the second strong lock-down under the 2nd wave of COVID19 in our headquarters in Chile, we have reached 5207 users in 2021 (in four months), which is 2,32% more than the 5089 users in 2020 (in twelve months).
Our second year´s first quarter, compared to last year's first quarter shows how has evolved the interest of our readers, granting our platform the privilege of being a safe place to read about Latin America and Impact Investments under COVID19 pandemics.
The first semester of 2020 was not so productive, in the sense that all the activities had to be reinvented, digitalized, and our small-group gatherings had to evolve to the usage of tools with more events linked to the political cycle in Latin America. The last explains the growth during August and September 2020.
During the last quarter of 2020, the explosion of projects and initiatives in the region and in special in Ecuador obliged our team to focus on the delivery of a new methodology for using better Hexagon Tools for project and investment acceleration and preparing for 2021, which looked like a promising year in the sense of working only under virtual gatherings and remote programming of investments.
Now, we have consolidated our work with counterparts in the Americas, reaching around 5000 stable contacts with projects that are in touch with us almost daily, by reading our short articles. The stability is measured by the fact that new users in our home continent are growing at a 0% rate during the last quarter compared to the last year. The same, we have reduced our posts to a duration of 1 minute, and it has produced stability in the sense that our bounce rate has fallen in 95% from 39,3% to 1,79 % (we had more than 1 out of 3 readers abandoning Politics Pub after entering and now only 2 of each 100 that enter leaves, in the Americas).
As long as our work got focused on the political cycle in the Americas, we have -somehow- left Europe and Asia unattended (while focusing on the Americas); however, we have received attention from Africa and Oceania, and need to give an answer to that global interest.
Our work for the next months will get focused on reaching our investors from Europe and Asia, more than focusing on our promotors of projects in the Americas, Oceania, and Africa, where we have now served as a team to enough structural and impact investment projects and initiatives.
May-December 2021
For the months ahead, Politics Pub will focus more on policy than politics, more on investment than projects, and more on research than on ideas. Policy, investment, and research will be related to the interests of our engaged "Palladium" politicians, promotors, and professionals (see members here).
We will search for new users in the investment community and will deliver their attention towards our impact investors and promotors in the Americas, in special to the USA in North America, Ecuador in the middle of North and South America, and Chile in the South Cone:

Analytics and the Future
On the Analytics side, and by doing some econometrics, we have learnt that 28.97% of last quarter's Politics Pub visitors that have shown identity with our DNA are candidates to abandon our leadership platform if we do not improve on quantity and quality, daily.
At the same time, we have learnt that 86% of the users come from the acquiring activities of new users so, we will focus on delivering value by having an active set of impact investors, that finance our pivoted and accelerated projects.
Last but not least, each increase of 7% in the quality, measured by the reduction of the Bounce Rate Index, retains 100 users more in the platform; therefore, delivering a global quality dialogue "space" for policy, permits, people and profits -as we are doing- seems to be a sensible way to increase the attraction of impact investors for the projects of our promotors during COVID19 lockdowns.
A second econometric model on new users (as the top variable for acquiring users) is explained by no constants but depends on sessions: quantity and duration.
87% of sessions end in a new user, while a reduction of 4% in the time of duration of the session results in the possibility of getting a new investor engaged. We are working on shorter but more numerous sessions by simplifying our indexes and analyses, all in favour of creating acceleration (itself) and pivoting (getting funds) for our communities in the regions where we serve.
If you are reading this article and have interest in joining us as an investor in any country in the World, please contact us
Best wishes,
Red Santa Cruz, Politics Pub ADN@+
PS: If you are not an investor, but a donor, or a promotor of a project or a community, we will be very happy to make contact via