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Foto del escritor: ADN@+ADN@+

Through CSP, Hexagon Group is showing the world how to exit “No”, and how to abandon socialism, for giving birth to Latin-American technological capitalism that provides a new breath to America as a continent.




Your Left Side

If you are/were not a young leftist you have or had no heart, and if you are not a right-win player when adult you have no brains, they say. But, how about if this turns to be the opposite in times of the 4th Industrial Revolution?

  1. Yes, First: the boundaries between left and right are all blurred during these times of post-truth.

  2. Also, and Second: technology can only be produced by the private sector and MUST have a social impact.

  3. Last but not least, a Third idea: social protection should not be an exclusive dominion of the left but a tool of the right.


When you dialogue with communities, you learn that the majority of the members are usually oriented to the left because it is a kind of "necessary" tradition (to care for the poor). Working in social dialoguing teaches that the facade is not necessarily the spirit of the group. Communities do not necessarily combat the individuality as a means for innovation and wellbeing of the group.

Certainly, objectivity and accuracy always matter. Sometimes, ideological biases are there and they create poverty traps, but community leaders normally and gladly accept the state´s help, the same as they certainly accept foreign direct investment, and get open to the influence of strangers when they respect their values, value them and bring ideas and human capital to the group.

Doing Business

From a business perspective, openness is always there: it is not a matter of principles but an issue of profits. The same as communities are open, business leaders are also connecting more and more to earch and territories. Sure there are sometimes flaws and bad practices that promise what they cannot deliver and sell what they do not have, but for that, communities have developed a radar to detect those individuals and projects, and for sure, the old guys in communities have the seed of experience for nurturing a leftist business-in-the-community supply side to offer the business demand for partnering. It is, then, a matter of making emerge the transformative leaders in the groups:

The problem is now of demand from the right and the investors. Well, during the last decades, England has developed an approach of Responsible Business that matches principles and more important, requires morals for doing business. Some tests of rationality have been run and even the crown itself has financed and became patron of initiatives such as Business in the Community and Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, that have given the UK the ability to adapt and be super innovative compared to other liberal countries


Getting together communities and investors have proven productive in the UK, as the first provide innovation and disruption to create a niche of products demanded by young and rich consumers that are growing on the demand of an ethical provision that grows in the fields that are irrigated by social networks.

Still, for America and in special for developing countries, the old school is reluctant to cede space to businesses in communities, does not provide enough freedom to social entrepreneurs, and is away from turning to community administration of public goods. Socialism and communism are old ideologies that have old leftist leaders that manipulate young fellows and send them against the capital and destroy initiatives inside communities, even among businesses, and create distrust in the communes.

Doing Business: The Left can Do It.

Once again, the young can liberate and do businesses with impact. A new left that is not pro-state and does not justify losing freedom in hands of the power of the state is emerging also to vanish the power of those who control the market. The evidence is showing that trust in politicians and the state makes no sense at all: the state cannot produce goods and services and should be specialized in regulating those with market power for creating a free and efficient market. More and more left-hand sided leaders converge to the solution of dialogue, regulation, and not crowding out.

That is when talking about an entrepreneurial new left, that makes business with the communities instead of becoming slaves of the state, the politicians, the parties, and the governmental machinery is not only needed but demanded. Fortunately, the new left and the new right are converging over issues that create space for dialogue, like the minimization of the role of the state in hands of the maximization of the role of the communities.

The Role of the State vs The Role of Communities

Communities know about the flaws of the state: they have wisdom. The young want not only to become rich but also want power. They want a good way of living and freedom to choose; therefore, the question is not "if", but "how".

Technology offers a solution. The state is normally reluctant to information technology. The more they use it, the less power they have, and the more they use tech, the less humane spaces they have for the members of their parties. Communities, on the other hand, win all the time they use technology to communicate and for doing business, export, and acquire power.

Technology reduces the size and increases the efficiency of the state, serves for reducing poverty inside communities, empowers the young and gives them the respect of the old, creates efficiency and control of flows of cash for the investor, and gives space to socio-economic, socio-political, and political-economic pacts.

Sometimes, when used in a disruptive way, Communitarian Technology creates socio-economic and environmental-political advantages for local territories by creating data for negotiating boundaries with the national state and for creating strategies for public, private, community, and local-international administration with socio-environmental equilibrium.

Technology: the Glue

If NGOs and the academia use technology to help communities and businesses play the game, and certify the glocal and local agreements, the use of mediation, measurement, and sustainability tools are key facts for assuring economic private profitability, social community profitability, and political public profitability.

Technology helps in a decisive way if local NGOs and international Academia can certify sustainable and economic features of productivity, minimization of risks, and accelerations of investments, so:

A. Global investors can enjoy a faster due-diligence of projects proposed either by private or community promoters (the local people interest is a first necessary condition).

B. The Public Authorities can give accelerated and more precise environmental and legal permits to operate (the national public interest is a second necessary but not sufficient condition).

C. Last but not least, the Rich can work from Left or Right, by financing and becoming part of the business game (the global partners´ sector is the third necessary and sufficient condition).

People, Permits and Profits, the 3 necessary and sufficient conditions

A project can be promoted either from the left, the right, or both, and can be pushed positively by local communities, national governments, and global investors, the same as can be certified and accompanied by the global and local academia, the global and local NGOs.

If a project can have national and local private partners who are the real leaders in the territory, left and right does not matter, but business culture. That is what counts for foreign-direct investors that want to accelerate their investments and locate their operations in less difficult countries with less impossible communities. It is all about leadership and productivity then, as it happens now in the Asian countries with leftist entrepreneurs:

While working in Asia, Europe, America, and Africa, Santa Cruz Network has developed PPP certification as a political approach to accelerate investments.

It works by promoting the freedom to choose among liberal leaders in the left and the right, and by creating advocacy about the role of technology to substitute inefficiencies inside the state, the same as empowering communities to assume key business roles, hand by hand with the young fellows that sometimes have a leftist language, but act as professional business people.

Santa Cruz Network

Entrepreneurs and parties in the right of Latin-American and American countries have enjoyed converting young leftist leaders in prominent adult partners, and their projects have seen profits by working under these fashions of artificial intelligence provided by Hexagon Dialogue.

Now, Santa Cruz Network has adopted Hexagon Dialogue as a necessary tool for creating a portfolio with impact-investment of 500 million USD that will be tested first during 2020-2021 in Ecuador.

Santa Cruz Network of Global investors has appointed themselves for a 10000 million fund to become FDI in Ecuador and a 100000 million fund to become FDI in Latin America during 2021-2025.

A Business-Oriented Left & Politics´ Pub

What is needed now to advance in these endeavors is not only investors that are in place already, nor technology that is also with us, not even only public authorities that have shown interest in being part: it is a critical mass of young leaders and business-oriented leftists that work inside their urban and rural communities for proposing projects.

Now we need them rejecting to use the state as a tool for the solution of conflicts and the perfect country for that is Ecuador, a country that by experience rejects promoting rights and constitutions as a means to create justice.

Based upon the experience of 20 years of research in Ecuador, We have created Politics´ Pub, an initiative for accelerating the leadership of those young entrepreneurs that want to create partnerships with American, British, European, Asian, and Oceanic Investors.

ADN@+ congregates very young, young, and not so old technicians with ideas for creating a real impact against poverty. The network has strength enough to lead the path with a 100 million USD already in projects, gaining more investors each month, and adhering each quarter to communities in more countries in Latin-America.

ADN@+ & Cross-Sector Partnerships Incorporated Technologies (CSP Inc.Tech)

ADN@+ has developed this network via a British-convergence heritage. The research has tested Ecuador as its first country of origin in Latin America, and the technology has proven viable also in the USA, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, and is entering into partnerships in Argentina, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Paraguay, the same as has been tested in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The same, we have done real and virtual workshops with Hexagon Toolkit in communities that want to become partners in the USA, UK, EU, India, Korea, Africa, and other countries in Latin America (e.g. Brazil). Through CSP, Hexagon Group is showing the world how to exit “No”, and how to abandon socialism, for giving birth to a renewed Latin-American technological capitalism that provides a new breath to America as a continent full of efficiency and rich in fairness.

2020 is full of opportunities. Conservative Investors and Leftist Promoters can work together so, we are all welcome!


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