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CSP: Cross-Sector Partnerships

Foto del escritor: ADN@+ADN@+

Now, more than ever, the World needs to Grow in a Sustainable Way

Roberto F. Salazar - Córdova


In England (2006), I understood the idea of Cross-Sector Partnerships (CSP). A useful concept indeed, in special for creating responsible and sustainable micro-businesses, normal projects, large investments, and macro economies.

The fact is that the World does not work in partnerships, and when it does, the economic players normally try to engage with others who are alike to them for partnering: B2B, C2C, G2G: Business to Business, Community to Community, Government to Government.

We, humans, are built to trust -and like- the ones that we understand.

It is not intuitive, nor simple, to open our senses, understanding, and even our spaces, to those we do not trust.

In general, we fail to make commitments with other human economic species. That is why it is so hard to create crossed relations like B2G, G2B, B2C, C2B, G2C, or C2G. Yes: simple cross-sector partnering involves at least two different players dialoguing for entering to play together, and can be led in two ways, at least. For example: from Government inviting to Businesses, or from the last inviting the Government.

More complex ways of arranging the players are those that require at least three players for creating equilibrium: sometimes, Public-Private Partnerships (B2G or G2B) fail because they lack a third player (e.g. Communities) in the game.

Founded in 2003, this year 2021, Hexagon Group reaches adulthood (as an 18-years-old firm) and has become a global leader in researching Impact "Public" Investments.

Our algorithms (software-as-technology) and data understand "Public" Investment as a Project that develops activity with more than two of six types of investors, gaming together over time (government, private, social, community, academia, and international players), while reaching impact over more than one of the following five understood sectors: economic, social, environmental, cultural and political.

Players could be different to the six we understand, and impacts could be more diverse than the five we have researched over these 18 years of uninterrupted work in the field; however, the trick is in the combinations of how many enter, who leads, when, and in which capacity for reaching which impact.

After developing more than 1000 workshops (in December 2016) using HexagonToolkit (R), our algorithms, projections (projects), and data on investments (actions studied, influenced, valuated, and evaluated) became mature enough for being used in a commercial fashion.

For that, we moved our commercial headquarters from our research base in Quito to Santiago, and developed extensive traveling over 4 continents, first at a regional scale (Latin American, from Ecuador, Chile, and Nicaragua as operational bases) and almost immediately at a global scale (working in partnership with colleagues in London, Cambridge, and Nottingham, in the UK).

2020 has allowed us to do workshops and start fresh dialogues about leadership, investments, and growth. Communities have developed alongside families and households. Now, the family is the central player, indeed, as predicted by our data and our algorithms and software with artificial intelligence.

The path has accelerated towards communities.

Data shows that 2021 is the global year of Cross-Sector Partnerships, where leadership will come from public and private sectors, reaching for each other, but finding markets and resources, and even partners, in local territories and communities.

2021 is the year for our DNA.

Cheers on that, and have a Happy 2021, desde Chile y Ecuador, Latino-America!

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